
The appointed Historian has been of long and broad service to the SCA and is able to provide perspective and institutional memory and to know thoroughly SCA history, purpose, precedents, practices, programs, Bylaws, Policies, governance, roles and responsibilities, and guidelines. The Historian convenes and serves as Chairperson of the Revisions Committee when called by the Executive Board.

SCA Bylaws, Manhasset SCA Bylaws>>
These revised bylaws were approved at the General Membership meeting on Friday, March 11, 2016.

In accordance with SCA Bylaws Article XVII, the Revisions Committee was called by the Executive Board in October 2015 to amend the SCA Bylaws to ensure our compliance with the New York Non-Profit Revitalization Act of 2013.

The Revisions Committee is a Special SCA Committee, composed of the Historian as Chairperson, the immediate past Executive President, the immediate past School Presidents, and one member from each Parent Council appointed by the School Presidents.

The Revisions Committee must review our bylaws in their entirety every five years. That last began in May 2012 and was completed and approved in June of 2013. The Revisions Committee will completely review the SCA Bylaws again in 2018.